Objective Conclusions on Slavic Wikipedia Projects About the Hellenic Character of Ancient Macedonia

It appears that propaganda from FYROM does not reflect even in Wikipedia projects in Slavic languages. Although it is certain that the teams of authors who worked on them were well aware of the so-called “arguments” which are systematically exported from FYROM, on all of Wikipedia Slavic websites objectivity has been placed forward and sustained.


“Starożytni Macedończycy byli spokrewnieni z Grekami, którzy jednak zaliczali ich do barbarzyńców. Mimo to dopuszczali Macedończyków do igrzysk olimpijskich. W odróżnieniu od większości greckich państw Macedonia była monarchią”.

“Ancient Macedonians were of the same race as Greeks, who once compared them to barbarians. Regardless of that, they allowed Macedonians into the Olympic Games. In comparisons from the majority of Greek states Macedonia was a monarchy”.


“Někteří historikové označují Makedonce za potomky několika různých národů – Frygů, Thráků a Ilyrů – nemajících žádné vazby na Řeky. Avšak většina moderních vědců se kloní k názoru, že Makedonce je třeba považovat za jeden z řeckých kmenů”.

“Few historians consider Macedonians to be descendants of several various people-Brygians, Thracian and Illyrians, having no relations to Greece. Nevertheless, the majority of present-day scholars is inclined to the view that Macedonians should be considered for one of the Greek entities.”



«Греческое» или «эллинское» происхождение древних македонян оспаривается в одностороннем порядке современным государством Македония. Понятия «эллин» и «македонянин» принято различать, подразумевая основание Македонии как отдельного государства мигрировавшими греками.

“Greek”or “Hellenic” ancestry of ancient Macedonians is denied into the one-sided order of today’s modern state of Macedonia. (Although) the terms “Hellene” and “Macedonian” are sometimes different, it is understood that Macedonia is founded as a separate state of migrating Greeks.



“Macedónia zostávala storočia na periférii gréckeho sveta”.

“Macedonia was a backward area on the periphery of Greek world”.

“Miestny jazyk (staroveká macedónčina) bol jedným zo starogréckych jazykov a pravdepodobne pochádzal zo skupiny severozápadných gréckych dialektov”.

“The native language (the ancient Macedonian) was one of the old Greek languages, and by its nature belonged to the group of northwestern Greek dialects”


“Makedonija (od grč. Μακεδονία) je bio naziv antičkog kraljevstva koje se nalazilo na najsevernijem delu antičke Grčke, koje se na zapadu graničilo s Epirom, a na istoku s Trakijom”.

“Macedonia (from Gr. Μακεδονία) was the name of an ancient kingdom which was located at the northernmost part of ancient Greece, which was bordered by Epirus at the west and with Thrace at the East”.

By Brzak

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