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Ancient writers about Macedonia - Aeschines

“at the congress of the Lakedaimonian allies and the rest of the Hellenes, in which Amyntas, the father of Philip, being entitled to a seat, was represented by a delegate whose vote was absolutely under his control, he joined the rest of the Hellenes in voting…” (Aeschines, On the Embassy 32)

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Ancient writers about Macedonia - Isocrates

Isocrates, Speeches and Letters, “To Philip” “It is your privilege, as one who has been blessed with untrammeled freedom, to consider all Hellas your fatherland, as did the founder of your race.” (Isokratis, Speeches and Letters, “To Philip” 127) “Argos is the land of your fathers, and is entitled to as much consideration at your hands as are your own […]

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Ancient writers about Macedonia – Plutarch

Ancient writers about Macedonia - Plutarch

    Plutarch - Moralia, “On the Fortune of Alexander” “Alexander lived many hundred years ago. He was king of Macedon, one of the states of Greece. His life was spent in war. He first conquered the other Grecian states, and then Persia, and India, and other countries one by one, till the whole known world was conquered by him. […]

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Ancient writers about Macedonia - Strabo

Strabo - “Geography” “There remain of Europe, first, Macedonia and the parts of Thrace that are contiguous to it and extend as far as Byzantium; secondly, Greece; and thirdly, the islands that are close by. Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece, yet now, since I am following the nature and shape of the places geographically, I have decided […]

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Ancient writers about Macedonia - Thucydides

“The country by the sea which is now called Macedonia… Alexander, the father of Perdiccas, and his forefathers, who were originally Temenidae from Argos” (Thucydides 99,3) “In all there were about three thousand Hellenic heavy infantry, accompanied by all the Macedonian cavalry with the Chalcidians, near one thousand strong, besides an immense crowd of barbarians.” (Thukydides 4.124) “The Hellenic troops […]

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Ancient writers about Macedonia - Herodotus

Herodotus “Now that the men of this family are Hellenes, sprung from Perdiccas, as they themselves affirm, is a thing which I can declare on my own knowledge, and which I will hereafter make plainly evident. That they are so has been already adjudged by those who manage the Pan-Hellenic contest at Olympia” (Herodotus, The Histories 8.43) “Tell your king […]

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Ancient writers about Macedonia – Polybius

Ancient writers about Macedonia - Polybius

Polybius “Let it, however, be granted that what I have now said may in the eyes of severe critics be regarded as beside the subject. I will now return to the main point at issue, as they state it. It was this: ‘If the circumstances are the same now as at the time when you made alliance with the Aetolians, […]

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The religion of ancient Macedonians

Ancient Macedonians worshipped the same gods as the rest of Hellenes. Despite of the claims of the pseudo-historians of FYROM that ancient Macedonians didnt shared the same gods as the other Hellenes, the evidences from ancient and modern writers are obvious. - According to Ulrich Wilcken: “yet if we take into account the political conditions, religion and morals of the […]

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The Language of ancient Macedonians

The Language of ancient Macedonians

What language did these “Macedones” speak? The name itself is Greek in root and in ethnic termination. It probably means ‘highlanders,’ and it is comparable to Greek tribal names such as ‘Orestai’ amd ‘Oreitai,’ meaning ‘mountain-men.’ A reputedly earlier variant, ‘Maketai,’ has the same root, which means ‘high,’ as in the Greek adjective ‘makednos’ or the noun ‘mekos.’ The genealogy […]

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