Post Tagged with: "Greek Language"

A few remarks regarding the value and world-wide contribution of the Greek Language

It is no mark of intelligence to be able to prove whatever one pleases. But to be able to discern what is true as true and what is false as false – This is the mark and character of intelligence”, Emmanuel Swedenborg (1678-1772) A few remarks regarding the value and world-wide contribution of the Greek Language Regardless of […]

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The Language of ancient Macedonians

The Language of ancient Macedonians

What language did these “Macedones” speak? The name itself is Greek in root and in ethnic termination. It probably means ‘highlanders,’ and it is comparable to Greek tribal names such as ‘Orestai’ amd ‘Oreitai,’ meaning ‘mountain-men.’ A reputedly earlier variant, ‘Maketai,’ has the same root, which means ‘high,’ as in the Greek adjective ‘makednos’ or the noun ‘mekos.’ The genealogy […]

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