Post Tagged with: "xerxes"

Spartans would have thrived on Twitter

Spartans would have thrived on Twitter

Spartans would have thrived on Twitter Spartans prided themselves in never using more than six words when one would do. This is why they would have been brilliant on Twitter. Each tweet has a maximum of 140 characters. This explains why Moammar Gadaffi is not on Twitter. You have to use as few words as possible when expressing, explaining and […]

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Modern historians about Macedonia – Frank Lipsius

Modern historians about Macedonia - Frank Lipsius

The immediate goal of the journey <Alexander’s expedition> was to liberate the Greek cities of Asia Minor from Persian rule. The Pan-Hellenic nature of the enterprise was emphasized by the inclusion of Thracian javelin throwers, one thousand Agrianians (whom Alexander particularly valued and kept close to him), fifteen hundred Thessalians and five hundred Cretan archers. The Macedonian troops, the core […]

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Ancient sources - Macedonians Vs Barbarians

Collection of ancient sources making it clear to anyone that ancient Macedonians were dinstict from Barbarians. [1] During this period he [Alexander] defeated the Maedi who had risen in revolt, captured their city, drove out its barbarous inhabitants, established a colony of Greeks assembled from various regions and named it Alexandroupolis. [Plut. 7.9, page 260) [Here we have undisputed evidence […]

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