Νέο Σκοπιανό Παραλήρημα συνοδεύεται απο κατηγορίες για “Γενοκτονία” των ψευτομακεδόνων απο τους Έλληνες

H ιστορική παραπληροφόρηση καλά κρατεί στα Σκόπια. Σε ένα ακόμα παραλήρημα στην Σκοπιανή εφημερίδα “Dnevnik” με τον χαρακτηριστικό τίτλο “”Europe and Its Ancient Bastards” ΄γινόμαστε του ίδιου έργου θεατές, με σαφέστατες κατηγορίες εναντίον της Ελλάδος για “Γενοκτονία” ενάντια στους Ψευτομακεδόνες. Όταν καθημερινά ο απλός Σκοπιανός πολίτης υποβάλεται σε τέτοιου είδους καθημερινή πλύση εγκεφάλου, δεν απορούμε στο ελάχιστο με το τεράστιο μέγεθος του φανατισμού και ακραίας εθνικιστικής έξαρσης στα Σκόπια.

Skopje Dnevnik 18 Jun 09 p 10
Commentary by Viktor Trifunovski: “Europe and Its Ancient Bastards

Lately, while the “Northern Macedonia” name is being tested, the idea that the weaker side should yield, that is to say, that this would constitute the “reasonable compromise” that would suddenly transform our apparent enemy countries into “partners,” is being subtly pushed. I am sure that many false friends will serve us this witch soup spiced up with numerous promises, as well as open threats, with the help of some domestic waiters. Let us be realistic, it is not the first time that the Balkans has been shaking due to somebody’s perverse interpretation of historic events. The idea about the mythological superiority of a single nation broke apart former Yugoslavia in a bloody and brutal way, leaving behind many casualties, millions of tragic stories, and unseen destruction. We should be aware that our entire future and prosperity depend on the comfortableness of certain people who identify themselves as “the chosen.” They consider themselves a chosen group of people (perhaps chosen by God), who started entire civilization. According to these people, their comfort has been undermined by our existence as Macedonians. This is the deep core of the entire dispute!

[Greek Foreign Minister] Dora Bakoyianni has made it clear a number of times that ours and Greek understanding of the term Macedonia must be different in all respects, such as territory, people, language, culture, and everything else. To judge from many of her other statements, she has clearly stressed that we must not lay claim on using the adjective “Macedonian,” whereby she once again pointed to the people, language, and culture. Finally, in a statement for one of our private televisions, the deputy mayor of Thessaloniki was even more precise. According to him, no compromise between the two countries will be valid if we continue to call ourselves Macedonians.

In other words, the local anxiety over certain statues and monuments and the names of airports and other vital facilities are merely political games in search of cheap political points. Does anybody honestly believe that Greece would be pleased if the facilities are renamed and the statues and monuments removed? No way. Greece will only be happy if it finishes the genocide against the Macedonians, which started in the 20th century. If you read the UN Security Council-approved terminology, you will see that the term “genocide” refers to a systematically planned and orchestrated destruction of a group of people due to their national, religious, racial, and other background. How else would you call the denial of the right to have an identity, that is to say, the open wish for the eradication of somebody else’s identity? So, there is no difference between dictator Ioannis Metaxas’ expulsion and killing of Macedonians and present-day open demand of official Athens that a Macedonian nation must not exist. Both ideas clearly confirm the genocide as the officially endorsed instrument for the realization of certain goals. But, how can Europe support such bureaucratically-packaged genocide?

While the old continent may have contributed to the growth of civilization with many achievements, when it comes to its internal political structure, it continues to function according to tribal principles. The old big countries and their smaller satellites in the Balkans continue to nurture the alliance that started as early as the 19th century. Regardless of the fact that the continent has long lost its global power, tribal alliances remain its most distinct political symbol. Unfortunately, this cultural-political atavism has contributed to Europe becoming regionally disunited in the 21st century and has undoubtedly led to double standards. We are among the victims of this. If Europe could exert pressure on Austria when Haider was elected and in France when Le Pen entered the runoff presidential election, how come it cannot pressure Greece, which is obviously making a problem and abusing its international position?

This Europe, with its still high living standard, is turning into a super-complicated bureaucratic network of threats and regulations, which obviously do not apply equally to everybody. This Europe would be hard put to accept newly found historic truths that go against tribal alliances. Finally, it is evident that Europe’s hidden structure could let another genocide happen on its grounds, especially if this genocide is skillfully and diplomatically orchestrated and well-packaged in diplomatic terms.

What can we do, realistically speaking?

All we need from the Babylon whore is an open market and visa liberalization. The alliances built on tribal principles and broken up and renewed through the world wars and the countless regional crises have made Europe the biggest battlefield in history. FYROM must approach the latter with great reserve. In security terms, the only real option is the United States, which is a super power that is free of nationalist dogmas and traditional luggage. It is simple — the energy that we have invested in our NATO membership should now be redirected toward signing a strategic partnership accord (the same as the one Israel has) with the United States. If we can work toward membership, I do not see a reason why we cannot work toward a strategic partnership. After all, Israel is well off in security terms with this partnership in place.

From our own perspective, throughout history no other great power has ever supported us as strongly and clearly as the United States, particularly with its position at the NATO summit in Bucharest. One final point about the name. I do not know what the politicians will eventually sign or when this will happen. However, I am certain that the signature will not put an end to Greece’s negation of our identity or to our efforts to defend ourselves against this genocide.

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