1906 - Rare documents from the British House of Commons about the Macedonian Question

Macedonia - Documents house of commons

Today we present rare Documents from the House of Commons of the United Kingdom related to the Macedonian Question back in 1906. A careful examination of these official Documents reveal valuable evidence about the Bulgarian Insurrection of Ilinden and its aftermath. Many cases of cruel actions against the population of Macedonia by Bulgarian Komitajis, Greek bands and Turkish troops were recorded by the British Consuls and are found inside these documents. The British consuls mention facts to their superiors about famous Bulgarian komitajis like Sarafov and Sandasky and the Bulgarian Committees.

Document 1

Document 2.

Document 3.

Document 4.

Bulgarian Sarafov

Document 5.

Document 6.

Document 7.

Document 8.

Document 9.

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