Category: documents

1878 – Proclamation of the Temporary Government of Macedonia requesting Unification with Greece

1878 - Proclamation of the Temporary Government of Macedonia requesting Unification with Greece

THE PROCLAMATION OF THE TEMPORARY GOVERNMENT OF MACEDONIA REQUESTING UNIFICATION WITH GREECE; REVOLUTION ON MT. OLYMPUS. This proclamation shatters 3 Skopjan myths (lies) about Macedonia: Myth (Lie) #1: The name ‘Macedonia’ was not used by Greeks until after 1988. Until 1988, the area was known as ‘Northern Greece’ or ‘Northern New Territories’. As is evident in the Proclamation written in […]

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Νέες φωτογραφίες απο την πρεσβεία – βάση των Αμερικανών στα Σκόπια!

Νέες φωτογραφίες απο την πρεσβεία - βάση των Αμερικανών στα Σκόπια!

Μετά και την δημοσιοποίηση της είδησης οτι στα Σκόπια χτίζεται απο τους Αμερικανούς βάση μεγαθήριο ”πρεσβεία”, που έκανε τον γύρο της μπλογκόσφαιρας, σκοπιανοί, άσπονδοι ”φίλοι” μας, θεώρησαν σωστό να μας παραχωρήσουν επιπλέον φωτογραφίες του εργοταξίου, που τράβηξαν οι ίδιοι, με το σκεπτικό όχι βέβαια να συνεισφέρουν στην ενημέρωση των Ελληνικών μπλογκ, αλλά να μας…”ανησυχήσουν” απο την προστασία που χαίρουν απο […]

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Document of 1946 reveals the attempt to manufacture a “Macedonian” Ethnicity

Document of 1946 reveals the attempt to manufacture a “Macedonian” Ethnicity

The following picture is taken from PlayboyTaxi2 The Translation in English. State archive-Blagoevgrad, f. 242,op. 1, a.e. 25, l. 50. Държавен архив-Благоевград, ф. 242, оп. 1, а.е. 25, л. 50. ____________________________________ PROMPTLY! Telephonogram To Majors of the area Promptly call the controllers and counters and tell them [that] when writing the row 13 from the household card and row 5 of […]

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Document of 1865 – Sacrifices of Macedonians for their motherland Hellas

Document of 1865 - Sacrifices of Macedonians for their motherland Hellas

The following document is a sample of the immense sacrifices commited by Macedonians in favor of their motherland Hellas. Its an application written by Chrysafis Anastasiou, a Macedonian as himself signs, to the Greek government with date 19.6.1865 where inside he describes his soul-stirring life story. He was born in Naoussa, Macedonia. He particiapted like many other Macedonians in the Greek revolution where […]

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Time Magazine Archives smash Fyrom’s propaganda

What was going on? The Greek Governor General of Macedonia [USE OF TERM “MACEDONIA” BY THE GREEK STATE PRIOR TO 1989 - ONE MORE LIE FROM FYROM EXPOSED] said that no refugees were streaming into Yugoslavia, charged that Slav terrorists were raiding Greek villages. From Rome the Chicago Daily News’s Balkan-wise Leigh White cabled: Marshal Tito had apparently launched his […]

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SlavoBulgarian Anti-Macedonian Struggle, 1897-1903

SlavoBulgarian Anti-Macedonian Struggle, 1897-1903

One of the less known aspects of the Macedonian question has been the needlessly Cruel methods and Crimes commited by the SlavoBulgarian Komitadjis against the Greek population of Macedonia. The Bulgarian bands had been notorious for their murders and outrages against non-combatants and especially the Greeks of Macedonia. The list is certainly not complete and never will be, since noone could […]

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Επιστολές 19ου αιώνα – Εμείς οι Μακεδόνες προς την Πατρίδα Ελλάδα

Επιστολές 19ου αιώνα - Εμείς οι Μακεδόνες προς την Πατρίδα Ελλάδα

Την ώρα που οι γνωστοί προπαγανδιστές των Σκοπίων προσπαθούν μάταια να απομονώσουν κάποια λέξη/φράση απο κείμενο, μήπως και μπορέσουν να ξεγελάσουν τους εαυτούς τους ότι έχουν κάποια σχέση με την Μακεδονία, οι πραγματικοί Μακεδόνες των προηγουμένων αιώνων μέσα απο ιδιόχειρες επιστολές μαρτυρούσαν την ατελείωτη αγάπη τους για την πατρίδα τους, την Ελλάδα, πολλές φορές δίνοντας και την ίδια την ζωή […]

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