Post Tagged with: "Ali Pasha"

“1816 Memoirs on the Ionian Islands” by Gen. Guillaume De Vaundoncourt

Memoirs on the Ionian Islands,: Considered in a Commercial, Political and military point of view. In page 138 we have : “Sandgiak of Ochrida,holding the jurisdiction of Ochrida,situated to the E. of the lake of that name,and inhabited by Bulgarians.” In pages 140 and 141 there is another one prove what the inhabitants of Vardarska was: Monastiri.otherwise called Toli,or Bitolia…………..and […]

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Risto Stefov´s historical revisionism of the Greek War of Independence in Macedonia

Risto Stefov´s historical revisionism of the Greek War of Independence in Macedonia

March 15, 2009 Historical revisionism is sometimes beneficial. One has to look at new evidence and in its light reinterpret events and challenge previously held beliefs. Historical falsification goes a step further, in that one falsifies original evidence or fabricates “facts” or even acts on personal belief. Though some of the arguments in FYROM, such as the arguments […]

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