Post Tagged with: "epeirotes"

On the alleged differences between the Macedonians and the other ancient Greeks

On the alleged differences between the Macedonians and the other ancient Greeks

By Miltiades Elia Bolaris “εξ ιστορίας αναιρεθείσης της αληθείας, το καταλειπόμενον αυτής ανωφελές γίνεται διήγημα” Πολύβιος, Ιστορίαι Α,14,6 “once the truth is stripped out of history, all that is left of it is but a useless narrative” Polybios, Histories, I.14.6 Some revisionists of ancient history, in their attempt to promote their modern ultra nationalist agendas in the lower Balkans, have […]

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Modern Historians about Macedonia - Miltiades B. Hatzopoulos

The peoples of Upper Macedonia were ethnically, economically, socially, culturally and politically more akin to the Epeirotic ethne than to the lower Macedonians (or The Thessalians). Hammond has long since drawn attention to the fact that they were called Mollossic ethne by the earliest writers, that like their Epeirote brothers they practised transhumant pastoralism, that they did not live in […]

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